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Become a member

Why become a member?

Members do benefit from connecting to a network of institutions that share the same interest in high-level research and education in textiles. Representatives are members of the General Assembly and can be elected to the Governing Board of AUTEX, to play an active role in promoting the activities and achievements of the global academic textile community.

Who can become a member?

Universities or other Higher Educational Institutions, which have an established reputation and tradition of research at the doctoral level in textiles, provide education leading to a BSc, an MScs degree and especially to a PhD qualification in textiles and publish papers about advanced textile research in international refereed journals.

Who can become an Associate member?

Associate members can be Higher Educational Institutes or University Colleges with only BSc and MSc Programs, as well as Research Institutes with activities in Textiles.

How to become a member?

Are you convinced that becoming an AUTEX member adds value to your institution/faculty/department?

Please click the button below to download the Application Form, fill it out and send it to and

Your application will be evaluated by the AUTEX Governing Board and presented to the AUTEX General Assembly.

If evaluated positively, you will be invited to present your institution at the next General Assembly meeting where the members will vote on your application.

Have you been an AUTEX member before?

Notify the AUTEX Secretariat at and  that you want to become an AUTEX member again. The Governing Board will evaluate your request. You will be invited to present your institution to the next General Assembly and will become an AUTEX member from the start of the next year. The annual AUTEX Membership fee is 500 EUR. All membership fees are due for one year.